



Hi..how was your new year holiday this year? We hope you’d had a good time with your family and friends. It’s been 2 weeks since we welcome 2017 with new hope & new resolutions. We have confidence that 2017 is going to be a great year ahead for all of us. So with a new vision this year, we come up with a new exciting campaign that we called #RESTARTING.

#RESTARTING is our new short escape during the weekend while learning new things from the local people as a cure for stress, especially those who are living in a big city with big crowds everywhere. Admit it, we are currently living in a world that demands us to work every single day, some of us even have no time to rest in weekend. While according to a study, one shall take a break once in a while to relief the stress (you can read it here). Another reason why we created this campaign is because of our guest review when they were staying at Arumdalu Private Resort. Whenever they came back from Arumdalu, they have new a perspective of relaxing and enjoying the hectic life in such a short escape.


Arumdalu Villa
Therefore, #RESTARTING was created to give you an opportunity to pamper yourself during the weekend and free yourself from work for awhile and take this time to learn something new and refresh yourself in the same time. Why you should consider to #RESTARTING yourself in Arumdalu? As some of you may notice, Arumdalu is located in the magnificent island called Belitung island, which takes only 1 hour flight from Jakarta.

Offering you a luxurious way to refresh, Arumdalu are here to give you a wellness lifestyle that you might already forgot in awhile. So whenever you have a thought to #RESTARTING yourself, feel free to drop your email to info@arumdalubelitung.com or +62 819 4943 0545 (whatsapp/ phone call).

You can also learn our package offer at here


Arumdalu Batik Workshop